Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Patricia Piccinini- "Nature's Little helpers"

The work of Patricia Piccinini encapsulates a variety of  visualisations from the 'frontiers of bio-medical technology'. She works with a wide range of media throughout her artwork including painting, sculpture, video, sound and digital prints. I therefore wanted to create a space that was not restricted, but flexible for her to move around with enough space that did not feel claustrophobic. I think it is important for her to be in area which does not reflect everyday life. Her major artworks often reflect her interests in world issues including bioethics and biotechnologyTo me, Paccinini's work thus appears rather perverse in their nature and therefore i created an environment that represents such a 'twist' or 'contradiction' to rational human thought. I looked to achieve this by using a significant use of shiny metal to provide a cold and unnatural atmosphere where the spiralling nature of the staircase looks to further seperate us completely from the nature world. It acts to represent this transition from the skin of the earth and into the 'genetics' of living creatures. 

Nature's Little Helpers:
- Materials: silicon, fibreglass, leather, plywood, hair

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