Sunday, June 15, 2008

Final UT Environment- The Bridge


Zhang Yin's Space

Zhang Yin's space captures the product of her growing business in terms of the extruding 'cardboard box' theme while portraying her power in terms of her direct vision and direction for her business.
Zhang Yin is type of business women who does not like to be in the spotlight. The interior space highlights this whilst still maintaining her vision forward.

Meeting Space

The Power of the meeting space lies in its ability to draw focus between the two clients as they sit facing each other at the focal point of the space. Drawing full attention forward, this leaves no room for distraction or conflicting views.

Steve Job's space

The power that lies in Steve Job's space lies in its ability to provide monumental expression to stage in which Steve can present his ideas. Attention is driven forward and then rises suggesting the innovation, creativity and exploration of living beyond the square we live in.
Steve Jobs is a man full of ideas which is portrayed through the glass cubical which surrounds the space from the exterior hinting at the idea of a light globe where the structural components (bottom picture) that surround the stage act as the filament from which the ideas are given birth.

Final Environment- UT

Final lift- UT

The Power in this lift lies in the experience. Below is a picture of the lift shaft which the clients are fully exposed to through complete transparency of the lift component. It expresses both a high degree of movement, direction and vision; something both clients can relate to in terms of their business.

Final Table- UT

For me, this table encompasses a simple design that allows any business deal to be negotiated with nothing to hide. It is about an agreement between the components that brings both clients together.